Fashion Content Shoot

Product Imagery for Mac Duggal

For the esteemed fashion label Mac Duggal, Olds Creative Agency undertook a comprehensive multimedia project, beautifully set against the stunning coastal vistas of Laguna Beach. Our objective was to artfully capture the essence and elegance of Mac Duggal's dresses through both videography and photography. The project showcased two models, utilizing the natural, diverse beach landscapes as a backdrop to highlight the dresses' design and allure. We meticulously shot various beach scenes, each perfectly harmonizing with the gowns' sophistication. The project culminated in a striking one-minute video along with a collection of 30-40 high-quality photographs. This suite of visual assets was strategically crafted to showcase the versatility and charm of Mac Duggal's creations, aimed at captivating audiences across multiple media platforms.
Lifestyle Video
Social Media Images
Social Media Video


The primary objective of this project was to create a compelling visual narrative that highlights the unique beauty and design of Mac Duggal dresses. By leveraging Laguna Beach's natural beauty, our goal was to produce content that resonates with the brand’s target audience, enhancing its digital presence and marketing reach. The project aimed to deliver not just a series of images and footage, but a storytelling experience that elevates the brand’s appeal and drives consumer engagement. Ultimately, our focus was on delivering high-impact, versatile media assets that could be effectively utilized across various marketing channels, from social media to the brand’s main website.